On December 19, the UNESCO Chair organized the event “Virtual Education from a Student’s Perspective” which was held at the Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Spain).
The presenters were Luis Ramírez Donoso from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (Chile) and Jorge Maldonado from Universidad de Cuenca (Ecuador).
The first theme “MyMOOCSpace, mobile application based in game to encourage collaboration in online courses” was presented by Luis Ramírez.
The idea of this App is that course participants can interact with questions and answers related to the course content and that these can be solved through the game. In this way, the team that reaches the end of the game with the highest score and the shortest problem-solving time wins.
In this way, participants of the course and who use the tool, can reach the end of the course through an alternative channel of interaction by interacting and collaborating among the members who are part of the team.

Luis Ramírez, PUC
Jorge Maldonado presented the 2nd. theme “Self-regulatory Strategies for Students in MOOCs”. Recent researches suggest that the main reason why students find it difficult to complete MOOCs is because they have problems planning, executing, and monitoring their learning process autonomously; that is, they do not effectively self-regulate their learning to successfully complete a MOOC. The objective of Maldonado’s research work is to develop tools and construct metrics that allow self-regulation strategies of students (cognitive, meta-cognitive and resource management) that are deployed during their learning in a MOOC and measure the relationship between these strategies and academic achievements in a course.

Jorge Maldonado, Universidad de Cuenca
Click on the following link to see the videos of the presentations: https://goo.gl/Us3XEC