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Conference in Guatemala

Universidad Galileo within the framework of teaching training and technical workshops of the MOOC-Maker project organized a free conference «The transformation of the university through the MOOCs in the XXI Century» which was held on 29 June.

It had the presentation of 4 experts who discussed the following topics:

  • Rocael Hernández Ph.D. «Presentation of the MOOC-Maker Project» (Universidad Galileo/ Guatemala).
  • Carlos Alario Ph.D. «Benefits of MOOCs for university professors» (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid/ Spain).
  • Miguel Morales Msc. «Employability and MOOCs» (Universidad Galileo / Guatemala)
  • Mariela Roman Msc. «Quality of MOOCs» (Universidad Panamericana / Guatemala)

To review the different reports produced within the MOOC-Maker project, we invite you to visit the following link

It must be emphasized, that to the conference attended more than 125 participants who represented the higher education institutions and business sector in Guatemala; likewise, more than 35 virtual participants from various countries watched the live broadcast.

At the end of the experts’ presentations it was carried out the forum “Learning in MOOCs time» in which the real and virtual participants had the opportunity to ask questions to the experts.

If you could not attend to the conference, we invite you to watch the following recording:

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